Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Predator – UAS operations Beyond Line of Sight

The MQ-1B Predator is a special Unmanned Aircraft System in that is has the capability of operating in Line of Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS).  Numerous UAS are capable of LOS operations but a select few are capable of operating in BLOS successfully to closure of their mission. 
MQ-1B Predator is part of an armed remotely piloted aircraft system that is multi-mission, medium-altitude, capable of long-endurance missions (MQ-1B Predator, 2010).  The primary mission of the Predator is the capture intelligence and secondly execute targets dynamically (US Air Force, 2010).    The capabilities of the MQ-1B is impressive.  This UAS has a significant loiter time, larger suite of sensors, highly exact and accurate weapons, and multi-mode comm suite (MQ-1B Predator, 2010).  ISR, close proximity air support, search and rescue during combat, among others missions have successfully used the MQ-1B (MQ-1B Predator, 2010).  The MQ-1B's capabilities make it uniquely qualified to conduct irregular warfare operations in support of combatant commander objectives.  The MQ-1B is not self-sufficient.  It still requires system maintenance and during possible 24 hour operations human must be involve at some point or the other. 
In order to operate one MQ-1B a three man crew is assembled.  The MQ-1B crew consists of a pilot and two sensor operators.  The pilot maneuvers the aircraft using controls that transmit their commands.  Normal operations commands transmitted by way of a C-Band-Line-of-sight data link (US Air Force, 2010).  Beyond-line-of-sight missions require the use of Ku-Band satellite link for communication, command and control of the UAS.  This is accomplished using the links to and from the UAS to satellite to Ground Control Station (US Air Force, 2010).  Depending upon what stage of the mission, the three man crew can remotely control the aircraft from the ground control station (GCS) through use of line-of-sight data link or operate the UAS using satellite data link for beyond line-of-sight if the aircraft is has covered a greater distance (US Air Force, 2010).  In the case of BLOS missions, the MQ-1B Predator is equipped with an infrared sensor, color daylight TV camera, laser designator or illuminator, and an image-intensified TV camera as well (UAS Air Force, 2010).  The cameras allow for viewing of full-motion video from the each imaging sensor, which can then be streamed independently or combined together into one video stream.  Moreover, the Predator can also utilize laser-guided missiles for target execution.  These are operated slightly different in the LOS opposed to BLOS.  LOS provides a smaller opportunity for signal loss or disruption due to UAS distance to the Ground Control Station.  However BLOS provides and additional phase for communication.  The integration of the satellite could be seen as a disadvantage.  The communications is no longer from Ground Control Station to MQ-1B but now, communications must be sent to the Satellite, and transferred back to the Satellite Uplink Vehicle; a benefit to this method is that this data signal can also be sent to other military facilities (Valdes, 2004). 
One commonly discussed human factors issue that occurs when an unmanned aircraft pilot operates an UAS such as the MQ-1B limited situational awareness, tunnel vision, fatigue and boredom.  This happens because pilots must now rely heavily on cameras to gain situational awareness.  The pilot may feel as though he or she are looking through a narrow tunnel when accessing the video stream.  This may significantly limit his or her ability readily gain the much needed situational awareness required for safe flight during mission operations.  Additionally, fatigue is a common human factors issue associated with piloting UASs.  UAS pilots must essentially stare at a monitor for long hours, oftentimes this results in boredom and fatigue. 
One application that would interest commercial use of UAS would be the use of BLOS when filming movies on location when on rough terrain, sky maneuvers or major stunts are involved.  Shipping industries and also the retail industry could take advantage of UAS BLOS capabilities when shipping goods and providing services for various customers.  One example would be Amazon. 

Figure 1. Predator UAV Communication System.   This figure illustrates the design of the Predator UAV Communication System. It is composed for three main parts: 1) Ground Control Station 2) Predator Drone and 3) Satellite Relay.  The satellite relay serves as communication between the UAV and the GCS particularly in beyond line of sight missions. Figure was borrowed from Valdes (2004).

Federal Aviation Administration (2008). FAA Surveillance and Broadcast Services
Retrieved November 7, 2014 from http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/enrou

MQ-1B Predator. (2010, July 20). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/FactSheets/Display/tabid/224/Article/104469/mq-1b-predator.aspx

Vu, K. L., Kiken, A., Chiappe, D., Strybel, T. Z., & Battiste, V. (2013). Application of part-whole training methods to evaluate when to introduce NextGen air traffic management tools to students. The American Journal of Psychology, 126(4), 433-447. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5406/amerjpsyc.126.4.0433

Valdes, R. (2014). How the Predator UAV Works. How Stuff Works. Retrieved from http://science.howstuffworks.com/predator6.htm

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